The Diocese Leadership Team is the "first team.“ The efforts of DLT come before everything else we do. We all SHARE in the responsibility for success of the whole Diocese about our specific Department/ Role.
To Evangelize by living out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ as His body the Church.
We intentionally pray for and lead the move from Maintenance to Mission to live out the Great Commission in the Diocese of Biloxi.
If you're a member; you know it! Over the years, Bishop Kihneman has found books that inspire him and help to better shape the direction, vision, and mission of our diocese. During COVID we even found ourselves writing a book (Missio Nostra). We've taken to calling this phenomenon "The Bishop's Book of the Month Club." We know every time we get handed a book there's a new way the Holy Spirit has been nudging our bishop. For SET, this is one of many ways we stay aligned with the Bishop's direction.
We've been walking and praying with ACTS XXIX for the last two years. They've been coaching us on creating a common understanding of leading in an Apostolic Mode, helping to create clarity of how we'll work together, and for us to grow and embrace living three essential principles for transformation:
We'll have more to share as we finalize our strategic plans with how we can better serve our diocese!